An equipping environment where missional community moves from theory to experience.

We put people in an environment to experience missional community life, to taste and see, rather than just talk theoretically about it. Every participant stays in the home of a missional community leader and sees their lives. They’re immersed in a gospel rich environment and participate in everyday mission.

Soma School equips church planters, staff, elders and key leaders to engage in missional community life, to lead missional communities, and to lead a church of missional communities.

We’re thrilled that we have two Soma Schools coming up in 2025 hosted by two of our hub cities (Blue Mountains and Melbourne Central).


Melbourne Central, VIC, Australia

In May – dates TBC
Hosted by Innerwest Church, Kensington and Regeneration Church, Monash 

Registrations will open February 2025…

View Gallery

Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia

Thursday 10th – Monday 14th July 2025
Hosted by Soma Blue Mountains

Registrations will open February 2025…

Find Out More View Gallery

What people have said:

‘We saw the gospel come alive and were given ideas and tools to do that with our community.’ 
‘I’ve learned a completely new way of life that holds Jesus at the centre. My life has been enriched by the time we shared, and there is so much I have realised about my own faith.’

‘I love how we were taught about the past and future of the gospel, but I now have a fresh understanding that the gospel is here in the present.’

‘An investment of time that will change the way you look at sharing the gospel.’


What will I learn and experience at Soma School?
  • What is the Gospel?
  • The Story of God – The gospel through the whole biblical narrative. 
  • Identity and Rhythms – Living out of our new identity in Jesus, and missional rhythms.
  • Missional Communities – We’ll discuss how we live in communities of people who are united around a common mission, and how these communities are local expressions of Jesus and his church in the world.
  • Gatherings
  • Gospel Fluency
  • Life on Life Discipleship and 4 G’s – Four eternal truths about God: God is great, glorious, good and gracious.
  • Starting and Leading Missional Communities
  • Missional Community Church Realities and Leadership
Who is the ideal applicant?

Lead planters or lead pastors who bring along with them one or two (or more) key leaders.

How long is Soma School?

Soma School occurs over 4 or 4.5 days, depending on location.

Because Soma School is an immersive learning experience, it is important that participants join all the prescribed activities. For this reason, please apply only if you can make it for 100% of Soma School.

What is the cost?

$425 per person or $575 per couple (accommodation provided).

Are there any requirements before arriving?

Please choose ONE of these:

    • Read Saturate by Jeff Vanderstelt -OR-
    • Work through the Saturate Field Guide by Jeff Vanderstelt and Ben Connelly -OR-
    • Read Gospel Fluency by Jeff Vanderstelt -OR-
    • Work through the Gospel Fluency Handbook by Jeff Vanderstelt and Ben Connelly.

AND also do the following: